Iran Tourist Attractions 21 Oct 2024 BY Maryam Mahmoudian

Top 10 Scary Destinations in Iran | Mysterious Places & Eerie Tales

Scariest destinations in Iran beckon thrill-seekers and adventurous souls with their eerie histories and haunting landscapes.

Iran’s diverse landscapes and rich history are often celebrated for their beauty and grandeur, but behind the allure lies a darker, more mysterious side that beckons the brave and the curious. Across the country, places exist that have gained an eerie reputation, from ancient castles with gruesome legends to forests that emit unnatural sounds. These destinations evoke a sense of dread and wonder, offering experiences that leave visitors questioning the unexplained.

For those with an appetite for the unknown, Iran holds more than just historical landmarks and stunning nature. It holds chilling tales that have survived through the ages, unexplained occurrences that defy logic, and destinations where the atmosphere is charged with unease. Whether it’s the desolate sands of Rig-e Jenn or the shadowy depths of ancient qanats, Iran’s landscape hides stories that remain untold—until now.

In this guide, we invite you to explore some of the most spine-chilling locations across the country. Each site has its own unsettling history, and while some of these stories remain rooted in folklore, others are tied to real, unsolved mysteries. Prepare to encounter places where danger and legend intertwine.


Top 10 Scariest Destinations in Iran

  1. Cannibal Castle
  2. Stony Garden
  3. Screaming Forest
  4. Ghost Lagoon
  5. The Valley of Stars
  6. Iran’s Bermuda Triangle (Rig-e Jenn Desert)
  7. Shahriri Cemetery
  8. The Ghasabe Qanats
  9. The Parau Cave (Paraw cave)
  10. Fairy Chimneys (Hoodoos)


1. Cannibal Castle (Ardabil)

Cannibal Castle (Ardabil)

Located in the remote region of Ardabil, Cannibal Castle, or Qal’eh Asiab-e Ardabil, is perched on rugged terrain that matches its grim reputation. Though the castle’s crumbling walls blend into the mountainous backdrop, its sinister history sets it apart. The local legend that surrounds the site is enough to send shivers down the spine of any traveler.

Cannibal Castle (Ardabil)

The origins of Cannibal Castle are somewhat obscure, with few records detailing its construction or purpose. However, historians believe that it once served as a fortification during times of regional conflict. The castle’s isolated location suggests it was a strategic lookout, but it is the dark folklore tied to its name that has endured, overshadowing the historical facts.

Local lore claims that the castle was once home to a bloodthirsty ruler who captured and consumed his enemies. According to the tale, captives were lured into the depths of the fortress, never to be seen again. The locals began to suspect the horrifying truth when strange remains were found scattered near the castle grounds. To this day, many avoid the area, particularly at night, believing the malevolent spirit of the cannibal ruler still lingers.

Cannibal Castle (Ardabil)

Visitors to Cannibal Castle often describe an overwhelming sense of dread, as if the walls themselves hold onto the suffering of past centuries. The eerie silence, interrupted only by the occasional gust of wind, amplifies the uneasy feeling. Some claim to have heard faint whispers carried on the wind or witnessed fleeting shadows moving in the corners of their vision. While the castle offers breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains, those who come for the history may find themselves leaving with a sense of unease that stays long after they depart.


2. Stony Garden (Kerman)

Stony Garden (Kerman)

Stony Garden, located in the desert province of Kerman, is unlike any other garden. Instead of lush greenery, visitors are greeted by barren trees laden with stones, creating an otherworldly and haunting atmosphere. The garden was the creation of a deaf-mute man named Darvish Khan Esfandiarpour, who, after being forcibly evicted from his land, crafted this strange space as both a protest and an expression of his sorrow.

Stony Garden (Kerman)

The garden's origins are tied to Darvish Khan’s personal tragedy. Unable to voice his frustrations, he channeled his feelings into this peculiar creation. He began hanging stones, metal objects, and old agricultural tools from the bare trees in his garden, transforming the space into an eerie representation of his inner turmoil. Over the years, this strange landscape has drawn attention for its unsettling beauty and emotional depth, standing as a silent reminder of one man’s despair. While it lacks the vibrancy of a traditional garden, its starkness and unique features make it a curious spot.

Stony Garden (Kerman)

As visitors wander through Stony Garden, many report an odd sensation, as if the garden is alive in a quiet, brooding way. The sight of countless stones hanging from barren branches gives the area a feeling of melancholy, heightened by the knowledge of the creator’s tragic story. The wind’s gentle sway causes the stones to knock together, producing hollow, eerie sounds. It is this mix of sound and silence that leaves many visitors with a sense of unease. The atmosphere seems heavy with loss, and yet there is something almost hypnotic about the garden’s unique appearance.


3. Screaming Forest (Mashhad)

Screaming Forest (Mashhad)

Located just outside the city of Mashhad, this dense and dark forest has earned its name due to the unnerving sounds that seem to emanate from its depths. Known to locals as Jangal-e Jigh (Screaming Forest), it has long been the subject of both fear and fascination. Visitors have reported hearing piercing screams, howls, and whispers at various times of the day and night, giving rise to numerous theories about its strange phenomena.

Screaming Forest (Mashhad)

The source of these eerie sounds remains a mystery. Some believe the screams are natural, caused by the wind passing through the tightly packed trees and echoing off the surrounding hills. Others suggest that the noises could be attributed to animals, such as foxes or birds, whose calls sound particularly unsettling when amplified by the forest's acoustics. However, there are also those who think the sounds are supernatural, linked to ancient spirits or cursed souls said to haunt the forest. These chilling tales have only fueled the forest’s dark reputation, leaving visitors to wonder if they are truly alone when they hear the cries.

Screaming Forest (Mashhad)

Visiting in daylight is highly recommended, as the forest can become disorienting at night. Wearing sturdy shoes and staying on marked paths can help prevent getting lost. If you do hear the strange sounds, it’s important to remain calm and remember that most explanations for the noises are natural. Many visitors have found the best time to experience the eerie atmosphere is at dusk, when the fading light adds to the forest’s mysterious ambiance. However, the forest’s reputation as a place of unnerving sounds means that even the most adventurous should be prepared for an unsettling experience.


4. Ghost Lagoon (Mazandaran)

Ghost Lagoon (Mazandaran)

Tucked away in the northern province of Mazandaran lies a seemingly tranquil lagoon with an unsettling reputation. Known by locals as the “Ghost Lagoon,” this body of water appears peaceful on the surface but harbors a history of mysterious disappearances and eerie tales. Visitors who come seeking the lagoon’s beauty often leave with stories of an inexplicable, heavy atmosphere that surrounds the area.

Ghost Lagoon (Mazandaran)

The Ghost Lagoon’s dark reputation stems from the numerous stories passed down through generations. Locals speak of people who ventured too close to the water and were never seen again. Some say that strange lights have been spotted hovering above the surface at night, while others report hearing whispers carried by the wind from the direction of the lagoon. Because of these stories, many in the nearby villages avoid the area after dark, believing it to be haunted by restless spirits. The exact origins of the lagoon’s supernatural lore remain unknown, but its eerie stillness and fog-covered surface certainly contribute to the unsettling myths.

Ghost Lagoon (Mazandaran)

For who dare to visit Ghost Lagoon, the experience can be both surreal and unnerving. The water, often covered in a light mist, adds to the strange atmosphere. Visitors have reported feeling an almost unnatural calm, as if the area itself is watching. The lagoon’s silence is broken only by the occasional rustle of the surrounding trees, heightening the sense of isolation. Many tourists leave with stories of how the place feels "off," and while some claim to have seen unusual lights or shadows near the water, others simply describe it as a hauntingly beautiful but eerie destination. The chilling legends tied to the lagoon only deepen its mystique.


5. The Valley of Stars (Qeshm)

The Valley of Stars (Qeshm)

Located on Qeshm Island in the Persian Gulf, the Valley of Stars is home to some of the most unusual rock formations in Iran. These towering pillars and jagged cliffs have an otherworldly appearance, leading locals to believe that supernatural forces once played a role in shaping the landscape. Though beautiful by day, the valley takes on a more unsettling presence as the sun sets, with its shadows creating strange shapes that seem to shift in the fading light.

The Valley of Stars (Qeshm)

According to local legend, the Valley of Stars was formed when stars fell from the sky, crashing into the ground and leaving behind the bizarre rock structures that remain today. Some believe that the valley is inhabited by spirits or otherworldly beings, citing strange sightings and unexplained occurrences. Locals have long recounted stories of figures moving among the rock formations at night, vanishing as quickly as they appear. While no scientific explanation can confirm these tales, the Valley of Stars continues to be a place steeped in mystery and intrigue.

The Valley of Stars (Qeshm)

Exploring the Valley of Stars at dusk or after dark is an experience like no other. The lack of artificial lighting in the area enhances the feeling of isolation, and the unusual shapes of the rock formations cast long, eerie shadows that seem to move with the changing light. Visitors often describe the valley as eerily quiet, with the stillness amplifying even the smallest sound. Many report feeling a sense of unease as they walk through the narrow paths between the towering rocks, particularly when the wind whips through the valley, creating an almost ghostly howling. While the daytime views are stunning, the valley’s true character emerges at night, making it a memorable yet unsettling experience.


6. Iran’s Bermuda Triangle (Rig-e Jenn Desert)

Iran’s Bermuda Triangle (Rig-e Jenn Desert)

Located in the middle of Dasht-e Kavir, the Rig-e Jenn Desert is often referred to as Iran’s Bermuda Triangle due to its reputation for strange occurrences and the dangers it poses to anyone daring to cross it. This vast, desolate desert has long been shrouded in mystery, with ancient travelers avoiding it and locals recounting tales of cursed lands. The harsh conditions, combined with eerie stories of vanished travelers and unusual lights, have made Rig-e Jenn both a feared and fascinating destination.

Iran’s Bermuda Triangle (Rig-e Jenn Desert)

Over the years, there have been numerous reports of unexplained events in the Rig-e Jenn Desert. Travelers have gone missing without a trace, and those who have returned speak of disorienting mirages and sightings of strange lights in the distance. Some believe these lights to be supernatural, while others suggest they may be caused by natural phenomena such as atmospheric conditions. There are also stories of shifting sands that seem to move on their own, creating the illusion of a landscape that is constantly changing. The lack of solid landmarks and the treacherous terrain contribute to the desert’s dangerous reputation, earning it comparisons to the Bermuda Triangle.

Iran’s Bermuda Triangle (Rig-e Jenn Desert)

Visitors are advised to only enter with experienced guides familiar with the region’s unpredictable nature. Proper navigation equipment is a must, as the vast stretches of sand can disorient even the most seasoned travelers. It’s also important to carry enough water and supplies, as the extreme heat and lack of resources make survival difficult. Rig-e Jenn is not for the faint-hearted, and anyone venturing into this eerie desert should be fully aware of the risks involved. Despite its danger, the desert offers an unforgettable experience for those seeking an adventure into the unknown.


7. Shahriri Cemetery

Shahriri Cemetery

The Shahriri Cemetery, located in an ancient city named Shahriri in northwestern Iran near Meshkinshahr, is one of the country’s most ancient burial sites, with tombstones that are believed to date back several thousand years. This archaeological site is not just significant for its age but also for the peculiar atmosphere that surrounds it. Many visitors report feeling an unsettling presence, as if the ground itself holds onto the secrets of the long-departed souls buried there.

Shahriri Cemetery

Walking through Shahriri Cemetery is a chilling experience for many. The weathered tombstones, some of which are carved with unusual symbols, rise from the earth in a way that seems almost unnatural. The silence of the cemetery is punctuated only by the wind, creating an eerie ambiance that makes visitors feel as though they are being watched. The isolated location of the cemetery, combined with the desolate, rugged landscape, adds to the sense of unease. Whether it’s the sheer age of the site or something less tangible, there is no denying the heavy atmosphere that pervades the cemetery grounds.

Shahriri Cemetery

Shahriri Cemetery holds many unanswered questions. Archaeologists have studied the site for years, but much remains unclear about the people buried here and the exact purpose of some of the more intricately designed tombstones. Some feature human-like figures and symbols that are not fully understood, leaving room for speculation about ancient beliefs and rituals.

Shahriri Cemetery

Despite the ongoing research, the cemetery retains an air of mystery, with some locals believing the graves to be haunted by the spirits of those whose stories remain untold. The ancient stones, eroded by time, seem to guard their secrets closely, making Shahriri Cemetery a destination that intrigues and unsettles in equal measure.


8. The Ghasabe Qanats

The Ghasabe Qanats

The Ghasabe Qanats, located in the city of Gonabad, are among the oldest and most sophisticated underground water systems in the world, with some sections dating back over 2,500 years. This ancient network of tunnels, which stretches for miles beneath the earth, was built to provide vital water to desert areas. Despite their age, many of the qanats still function today, channeling water from deep underground sources to sustain life above. Their intricate design and construction are a marvel of ancient engineering, showcasing the ingenuity of early Persian civilizations.

The Ghasabe Qanats

Though primarily known for their practical purpose, the qanats have also become the subject of eerie stories and unsettling folklore. Some locals whisper of strange sightings in the deeper, more remote sections of the tunnels, with shadowy figures appearing and vanishing without explanation. The quiet, labyrinthine corridors have led to tales of explorers who ventured too far and never returned. Whether these stories are rooted in truth or myth, the atmosphere within the qanats certainly feels mysterious, leaving some to wonder if the tunnels hold more than just water.

The Ghasabe Qanats

Exploring the Ghasabe Qanats is not for the faint-hearted. Descending into these ancient corridors, visitors are immediately enveloped by a cool, damp air and near-total silence. The tunnels are dimly lit, with only small beams of light breaking through, casting long shadows along the narrow walls.

The Ghasabe Qanats

The deeper you go, the more disorienting the experience becomes, as the maze-like design of the qanats makes it easy to lose your bearings. Some describe feeling a subtle but growing sense of unease, as if the underground pathways themselves hold secrets yet to be uncovered. For those who dare to explore, the experience is unforgettable, blending history with a palpable sense of mystery.


9. The Parau Cave (Everest of the Caves)

The Parau Cave (Everest of the Caves)

Located near Kermanshah, Parau Cave is widely regarded as one of the most dangerous and deepest water cave in the world. Nestled within the the Poraw Mountain, Zagross Mountain Range, this deep cave system has claimed the lives of several explorers and adventurers over the years. The sheer vertical drops, icy water, and extreme conditions make Parau a perilous challenge even for experienced spelunkers. Its treacherous reputation has made it infamous, with many considering it a place where only the bravest dare to tread.

The Parau Cave (Everest of the Caves)

Parau Cave has earned its deadly reputation due to its complex and hazardous environment. The cave’s tight passages, unpredictable weather conditions, and sharp descents have led to numerous failed expeditions. The chilling waters that fill some sections of the cave add to the danger, with hypothermia a constant threat. Despite these risks, explorers continue to be drawn to Parau, lured by the cave’s depth and the challenge of navigating its dangerous interior. Several expeditions have ended in tragedy, and the cave’s dangers are a stark reminder of the unforgiving nature of such underground systems.

The Parau Cave (Everest of the Caves)

Only the most skilled and prepared adventurers consider attempting Parau Cave. It is essential to have advanced caving experience, proper equipment, and a well-planned strategy for navigating the cave’s twists and turns.

The Parau Cave (Everest of the Caves)

Those who venture inside face the dual challenges of physical endurance and mental strength, as the cave’s darkness and isolation can weigh heavily on even the most confident explorers. For those seeking extreme adventure, Parau offers an unmatched experience, but the risks are undeniable, and the cave does not forgive mistakes.


10. Fairy Chimneys (Hoodoos)

Fairy Chimneys (Hoodoos)

The Fairy Chimneys, or Hoodoos, in Mahneshan, Zanjan, are unique rock formations that rise from the earth like towering spires. These formations, shaped by centuries of erosion, have an almost otherworldly appearance, leading to local myths about their creation. Some believe the chimneys were sculpted by fairies or other mystical creatures, and the strange landscape has long been associated with supernatural forces. The unusual shapes and isolation of the area give the Fairy Chimneys a haunting presence, drawing visitors who are intrigued by both their natural beauty and the legends that surround them.

Fairy Chimneys (Hoodoos)

According to folklore, the Fairy Chimneys are the remnants of an ancient conflict between mystical beings. Locals believe that fairies or spirits once inhabited the area and that the chimneys are all that remain of their presence, frozen in stone. Some say that at night, strange lights can be seen flickering among the formations, and there are whispers of eerie voices carried on the wind. The site’s reputation for being haunted by otherworldly forces has kept many from venturing too close after dark, but it continues to captivate those fascinated by its mythical past.

Fairy Chimneys (Hoodoos)

The landscape surrounding the Fairy Chimneys has an almost surreal quality to it, with the towering rocks creating a maze of bizarre shapes and shadows. Visitors often describe feeling a sense of unease as they wander through the formations, as though the very ground beneath them is steeped in ancient mysteries. The chimneys’ jagged silhouettes against the open sky only add to the feeling of isolation and strangeness. Whether due to the legends or the terrain itself, the area has an unsettling atmosphere that leaves a lasting impression on those who explore it.


Final Takeaway

Iran is full of breathtaking landscapes, but for those with a taste for the eerie and unexplained, its scary destinations offer something truly unique. If you enjoy exploring spots with a darker history or are curious about strange, unexplained phenomena, these top 10 scary destinations in Iran should be on your list. These locations will stay with you long after your visit, making your trip to Iran all the more memorable.

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