Kashan Tourist Attraction 13 Jul 2024 BY Maryam Mahmoudian

Boroujerdi House | Kashan Must-See Attractions

Kashan is often cited in numerous historical sources as the oldest city in the world. This ancient city, recognized as the birthplace of one of the earliest civilizations, enjoys global popularity.

Kashan, known as the cradle of Iranian civilization, boasts numerous historical attractions, including its renowned historical mansions. Among these, the Boroujerdi House in the Sultan Mir Ahmad neighborhood, stands out as one of the oldest and most beautiful. The Boroujerdi House is celebrated as the most famous and significant historical residence in Iran, and it is revered as a prime example of traditional Iranian architecture and a top tourist destination in Kashan.


The Story Behind the Boroujerdi House

The Story Behind the Boroujerdi House

The tale of Boroujerdi House begins with Seyyed Mehdi Boroujerdi falling in love with Seyed Jaafar Tabatabai's daughter. Haj Agha Hassan Boroujerdi proposed this union to the girl's father, a prominent businessman and owner of the renowned Tabatabai House. He agreed to the marriage on the condition that the groom build a house as grand as his own.

Haj Agha Hassan Boroujerdi and his son accepted this condition and promptly began constructing a house in the Sultan Amir Ahmad neighborhood, near the bride's family home. They commissioned the distinguished artists Ali Maryami Kashani, Sani al-Molk, and Kamal al-Molk to design an equally splendid mansion. However, this ambitious project took much longer than expected. In the meantime, the couple married and lived in one of the halls of the Tabatabai House due to the unfinished state of their new home.

Years passed, but the construction of Boroujerdi House was still not complete. After seven years, Seyyed Mehdi moved his family into a finished section of the mansion to expedite its completion. Despite increasing the workforce and resources, the project continued to progress slowly.

Finally, after 18 years, the Boroujerdi mansion was completed. More than a century old, this architectural achievement showcases the remarkable work of Ali Maryami Kashani, Sani al-Molk, and Kamal al-Molk over nearly two decades, highlighting their artistic brilliance and creativity.


Architecture of the Boroujerdi House

Architecture of the Boroujerdi House

The Boroujerdi House spans an area of 1,700 square meters and was registered as a national monument in 1975 under the number 1083. It was also recognized as a popular tourist attraction by UNESCO in 2015 and 2016. This architectural gem was designed and built by Ali Maryami Kashani, a master architect from the Qajar period. The house exemplifies the intricacies and features of Islamic Iranian architecture, with a strong emphasis on traditional design and meticulous interior decoration.

One of the most striking aspects of the Boroujerdi House is the art and creativity of Sani al-Molk and Kamal al-Molk. These renowned Iranian artists created the mansion's paintings and plaster casts, which are considered masterpieces of Iranian art for their aesthetic principles. The entire house showcases the essence of Iranian taste and art, reflecting the rich culture, civilization, and history of the region. The paintings in this mansion were executed using various techniques with oil and watercolors.

Architecture of the Boroujerdi House

Visitors are immediately captivated by the artistic details from the moment they enter the Boroujerdi House. The main courtyard, featuring a large central pond, is surrounded by paintings and plaster designs of fruits and various foods. Each section of the house offers a unique and valuable experience, with individual paintings and plaster works that tell distinct historical stories. For instance, one hall depicts the tale of Leyli and Majnoon, while another illustrates the story of Yusuf and Zuleikha.

The design and decoration of parts of the building reflect the owner's business, with items traded by Seyyed Hassan Boroujerdi and special gifts he received from dignitaries depicted in plaster. These details play a crucial role in the beauty of this architectural masterpiece. Every element in the house symbolizes pure Iranian art, showcasing the genius and creativity of the Qajar period architects and artists.


Adaptation to Desert Climate

Adaptation to Desert Climate

Kashan, located in the heart of the desert, necessitated architectural designs that maintain comfortable interior temperatures throughout the year. The Boroujerdi House was constructed with this in mind, ensuring cool and pleasant air flow to the cellars through roof wind deflectors during the hot summer months, and warmth during the cold winter months, creating a balanced and pleasant indoor environment.


Unique Features of the Boroujerdi House

Unique Features of the Boroujerdi House

Kashan is home to several historical houses from the Qajar era, which share similar structural elements but differ significantly in appearance. Common features include Shahneshin, summer and winter rooms, mirror house, three-door, inner and outer courtyards, pond, harband, and wind catchers. However, none match the beauty and elegance of the Boroujerdi House.

The Boroujerdi House stands out for its detailed and sophisticated design. The originality of this building is unmatched by many other historical houses, featuring intricate inlaying, embroidery, moqarnas, and gilding. The use of special decorations, including plasterwork, paintings, mirror work, and colored glass, adds to the house's unique charm, making it a memorable destination for visitors to Kashan.


Different Parts of the Boroujerdi House of Kashan

Different Parts of the Boroujerdi House of Kashan

The Boroujerdi House is divided into two distinct sections: the inner and outer areas. Although these sections are completely separate, they share the entrance vestibule and the main door. The house is primarily two stories high, but it includes a third floor in the southern part of the building due to the presence of a cellar or basement.

The mansion has three entrances, each serving a different purpose: the main door, an entrance for religious ceremonies, and another for guests. The house also features distinct summer and winter sections where residents would live according to the seasonal weather changes.


Main Parts of the Boroujerdi House

Main Parts of the Boroujerdi House

Among the notable features of this large building are the vestibule, cellar or basement, corridor, and both open and covered courtyards. These elements are arranged in a visually pleasing manner, showcasing the architectural ingenuity of the period.


The Outer Part of the Boroujerdi House

The Outer Part of the Boroujerdi House

The outer section contains a large central courtyard flanked by buildings on either side. This area includes winter and summer rooms, an entrance corridor, wind catchers, and a covered hall with skylights.

The centerpiece of the outer part is the summer house, located opposite the main entrance and oriented away from the sun. This section comprises the main hall, two rooms, two sub-roofs, a main roof, two side rooms, a king's seat, and a rope hall. A dome with beautiful skylights and moqarnas decorations sits at the center. The walls are adorned with Russian-style paintings and exquisite plasterwork, which draw the attention of every visitor.


The Inner Part of the Boroujerdi House

The Inner Part of the Boroujerdi House

The inner section of the Boroujerdi House is divided into north and south parts. The northern section includes a living room, a backyard, a room with five simple doors, a chest, and a large cellar or basement.

The southern section features a central courtyard, a reception hall, and two side rooms that open towards the hall.

The paintings throughout the house, supervised by the renowned artist Mirza Mohammad Khan Ghafari, also known as Kamal-ol-Molk, were created using various techniques with oil and watercolor paints. The hall's roof features fascinating skylights and wind deflectors, which are notable examples of traditional Iranian architecture.


Boroujerdi House Location and Access

The Boroujerdi House is situated on Alavi Street in the Sultan Amir Ahmed neighborhood. Visitors can easily reach this area by private car or taxi. To explore the historic Boroujerdi House, you will need to purchase a ticket, and about one hour is sufficient for a thorough visit.


Boroujerdi House Nearby Attractions

Boroujerdi House Nearby Attractions

Several other notable sites are located close to the Boroujerdi House, making it convenient for visitors to explore multiple attractions in one trip:

  1. Historical House of Tabatabai
  2. Imam Mosque
  3. Mellat Park
  4. Taj Historical House
  5. Historical Ghaffarian House
  6. Bakuchi House
  7. Sultan Amir Ahmad Bathhouse
  8. Historic Abbasid House

Boroujerdi House

Final Takeaway

The Boroujerdi House is a unique masterpiece of Iranian architecture and one of the primary historical and tourist attractions in Kashan. This historic mansion, symbolizing traditional Iranian homes, consistently draws numerous visitors. When visiting Kashan, be sure to explore the Boroujerdi House to appreciate this exceptional example of Iranian architectural heritage.

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